Dealing With A Toothache?
September 27, 2011
DO YOU HAVE A TOOTH THAT HURTS WHEN YOU CHEW OR WHEN YOU EAT SOMETHING TOO HOT OR TOO COLD? Here at Lake Oconee Dentistry we understand that toothaches are no fun. Sometimes a simple toothache may be caused by a number of minor factors—including sensitivity. But if you’re unsure, or if the pain continues, it’s probably a good idea to visit with us. We have a great deal of experience treating toothaches. Come in and see Drs. Bradley and Dr. Boswell or a member of our team as soon as possible so the problem doesn’t get any worse.
Toothaches are often caused by dental cavities, a cracked tooth, an exposed root, or even gum disease. However, issues with the jaw-joint can also cause toothaches. Through a simple x-ray procedure,Drs. Bradley and Dr. Boswellcan help determine the cause so that the issue can be treated.
As temporary relief for a toothache before you are able to visit our office, rinse your tooth with warm water and make sure that nothing is lodged between teeth. Apply an ice pack and/or take an over-the-counter pain reliever to reduce swelling.
Don’t let a toothache bother you any longer—come see us! You have the decision-making power to take control of your lifelong oral health each day.
Feel free to learn more about our practice on our website or our Facebook Page. We look forward to connecting with you there!
The Benefits A Smile Will Bring You
September 20, 2011
ARE YOU NEWLY GRADUATED, stuck in a mid-life crisis, starting a new career, or re-entering the dating scene? No matter what change your life may be going through, having an unforgettable smile may be just the thing to help boost your confidence and get you feeling unstoppable.
Here at Lake Oconee Dentistrywe know that flashing a smile is one of the best ways to turn someone else’s day around…But guess what—smiling not only brightens other people’s days, it also benefits the smiler!
Here are some reasons we should smile!
- It Makes You More Attractive: It is no secret that we are drawn to people who smile. There’s something remarkably irresistible about someone who isn’t afraid to flash those pearly whites.
- It’s Contagious: A simple smile has the ability to brighten a whole room and draw people to you. The world would be a happier place if everyone kept smiling!
- It Can Change Your Mood: Even when you feel down, smiling can trick your body into changing your mood! Try it the next time you’re not having the best day.
- It Boosts Your Immune System: When you smile, your immune function improves due to increased relaxation.
- It Relieves Stress: We all know what it’s like to look stressed and overwhelmed…but did you know that putting on a smile makes you look happier AND actually takes away some of that stress!?
- It Lowers Blood Pressure: The physical act of smiling causes a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Test it out at home if you don’t believe us!
- It’s A Natural Drug: Studies have shown that smiling actually releases endorphins, serotonin, and natural pain killers.
- It Makes You Look Younger: The muscles your body uses to smile actually lift the face, making you appear younger and healthier!
- Smiling Makes You More Successful: Smiling in a job interview is much more likely to land you the job! People who smile appear more confident and approachable—and they end up being the ones that get promoted!
- Smiling Helps You Stay Positive: Try this—put on a smile, and then think about something negative without losing the smile. It’s hard to feel quite as down when you’ve got a grin on your face, huh? When we smile our body sends us a message saying “Life is Good!” Worry, stress, and depression problems can be greatly helped through smiling.
So, the long and short of it is: SMILE! Don’t let insecurities about your teeth hold you back any longer! If you are uneasy about smiling, talk to Drs. Bradley and Dr. Boswell about the many options available at Lake Oconee Dentistry. We can have you proud and confident about your smile in no time!
Contact our practice today. Your unforgettable smile awaits you.
We Let YOU Be Part Of The Team With The Intra-Oral Camera
September 13, 2011
HERE AT LAKE OCONEE DENTISTRY, OUR TEAM TAKES GREAT PRIDE IN utilizing the most advanced technologies available in caring for your oral health.
One of the neat things about today’s technologies—especially in the case of using an intra-oral camera—is that YOU can be involved in the process of diagnosing the health of your teeth.
Our intra-oral camera is an amazing handheld device that combines an extremely bright light source with a tiny, high definition video camera. Most intra-oral cameras look a lot like a writing pen, and when moved around inside your mouth, they give our team the ability to see enlarged, detailed images of the surfaces of your teeth, the condition of your gums, and other valuable information about the tissues inside your mouth.
Drs. Bradley and Dr. Boswell or a team member will use this tiny device to capture close-up pictures of your teeth that we often display on a monitor. Intra-oral cameras don’t cause any type of pain, discomfort, or ill side effects. They help us see tarnished or corroded fillings, decay, bleeding gums, plaque, or hairline fractures in your teeth, in real time, as you sit comfortably in our dental chair!
If you’re interested in seeing the images, an intra-oral camera allows you to see what Drs. Bradley and Dr. Boswell and our team see. It’s not only quite fascinating for many of our patients, but it also helps you better understand the recommendations we make. You’ve heard the old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”Recently, an intra-oral camera was used on an episode of The Doctors:
Here at Lake Oconee Dentistry, we place great importance on each long-standing relationship we have with you, our valued patients. Thank you for the trust you place in us. If you have any questions about intra-oral cameras—or any other matter related to your oral health—please don’t hesitate to ask.
No matter where you are, you can also check out more about our practice by visiting and LIKING our Facebook page:
The Tooth Fairy Does Exist!
September 6, 2011
DID YOU KNOW THAT FEBRUARY 28th AND AUGUST 22nd ARE NATIONAL TOOTH FAIRY DAYS? Yes, this tiny-winged, mythical creature actually has TWO of her own daysof celebration…crazy, huh!? It might sound odd that the Tooth Fairy even gets one day of observance, but it’s actually for good reason!
Unfortunately, the next time most of us lose a tooth it will probably be in a brawl or nursing home. However, for all the children out there who have yet to lose their baby whites, these days are meant to celebrate the right of passage that losing baby teeth brings—and of course the little lady who’s smart (or crazy!) enough to collect them from under our pillows.
So, how did the tooth fairy come to be anyway? Well, for starters, losing teeth as a child can sometimes be a traumatic experience! A little bit of blood is all the excuse a child needs to shed some tears, regardless of whether or not there is actually any pain involved. Seeing their own little tooth in their hand and inspecting the new hole in their smile isn’t always enough to dry their eyes.
That’s where the tooth fairy comes into play…
It’s much easier to be excited about losing a tooth if you know it’s going to be exchanged for cash while you’re sleeping! The tooth fairy replaces that fear and trauma with hope and excitement. It’s starting to make sense that she deserves some holidays, isn’t it?
Here at Lake Oconee Dentistry, we care about yours and your children’s oral health. Make sure to exercise proper oral careso that those teeth and gums stay healthy and strong! Besides, rumor is that the tooth fairy gives even better prizes for healthy teeth!Now we’d like to hear from you! What was the going rate for teeth when you were a child? What do you give your kids today in exchange for those pearly whites? Let us know in the comments section below!Happy Brushing!