YOUR SMILE IS AMONG YOUR MOST influential assets! But, that doesn’t mean your smile has to be a perfect, “movie star” smile for you to harness its power.
Step 1: Practice, Practice, Practice
Life’s too short to skip the simple things that make you happy. Smile more. Smile and laugh, proudly. Abundantly. Invite people to share in the things that make you smile. Your smiles will foster gratitude. Smiling can become a habit. Seek the opportunity.
Step 2: Be Aware Of The Smile/Emotion Connection
Author and poet, Thích Nhất Hạnh once said, “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” We often only think about the way positive emotions trigger smiles, but it works the other way too. Smiles trigger positive emotions. They can even help us better deal with stress or pain.
Step 3: Eliminate The “Courtesy” Smile
Make a conscious decision to replace every half-hearted smile given in politeness with a genuine smile. You can do it!
Step 4: Remember How Attractive Your Smile Makes You
A recent study of 5,000+ singles found that both men (58%) and women (71%) judge the opposite sex MOST (and FIRST) on the appearance of their teeth. Smiles invite and strengthen relationships.
Step 5: Keep Your Smile Healthy
Treat your smile with the love it deserves. Brush and floss daily, and schedule regular checkups.
We Love Your Smiles
Some estimates say that 30% of the general population is unhappy with their smiles to a point where they avoid smiling. That’s sad. If you feel that way, let’s visit. Sometimes it just helps to talk about it. Whether you’re ready for a big change or just a tiny, subtle improvement, we can help you harness the power of YOUR smile. Thanks for being our valued patients and friends.