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Drs. Bradley Talk About Gum Disease

March 26, 2011

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ADVISED TO WATCH FOR SIGNS OF GUM DISEASE? Chances are, if you’ve ever visited a dentist, you’ve been checked—to some extent—for symptoms of this problem. Here at our practice, for many of our patients, a routine check typically reveals healthy, disease-free gums. We’re glad for that… But sometimes people with healthy gums forget that it’s still important to regularly look for early signs of a problem.

Dr. Patti Bradley suggests, “If you have early signs of gum disease, the best thing that can be done is to take care of it before it gets out of hand.” For many of you that may mean being well informed about gum disease, including symptoms to watch for.

As the video below outlines, gum disease can be divided into three stages, which can range from a simple amount of gum inflammation to major tissue damage and tooth loss. It’s been said before, but as a reminder, the sooner periodontal disease is caught the more we can do to successfully reverse the effects.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms as listed below, and outlined in the video, be sure to have any of our doctors take a look:

  • Gums bleed easily while flossing or brushing
  • Swollen, red or tender gums
  • Receding or separated gums that are exposing teeth
  • Changes in how your teeth fit together
  • Constant bad breath or unpleasant taste in your mouth

Of course, never having gum disease is the best scenario.

Because gum disease starts with bacteria in the plaque on your teeth, paying close attention to your oral hygiene is your greatest defense. This includes your daily care—thorough brushing and regular flossing, as well as your regular checkups. If plaque hardens to your teeth, only a dental cleaning can completely remove it and stop gum disease from starting.

We want to keep you informed and healthy with information on many aspects of your oral health.

We invite you to contact our office or join us on Facebook. Liking our Facebook page gives you access to discussions on our wall about your oral health, as well as updates about current promotions in our office. Click below:

We look forward to seeing you during your next visit!

It’s Extra Important To Take Care Of Your Teeth With Braces!

March 20, 2011

DO YOU HAVE BRACES? Or does someone you love have braces? Underneath all that metal, your beautiful pearly whites are moving—and, inching you ever closer each day toward an absolutely fantastic smile!Dr. Patti Bradleyreminds us, “Wouldn’t it be a shame, if once those braces came off, you had a bunch of cavities under there!? That would be awful!”

So, don’t let that happen!

All the gadgetry in your mouth—from the springs and the wires to the rubber bands and spacers—can attract food AND plaque. Dr. David Bradley, here at Lake Oconee Dental, reminds each of us with braces, “It’s important to brush properly and to use floss and/or mouthwash per your orthodontist’s recommendations. When plaque is left behind on your teeth and around your braces it can cause your gums to swell, your teeth to become discolored, chronic bad breath and even (sometimes) cavities.”

Cleaning Your Braces The Right Way Is A Chore, But It’s Worth It

Millions and millions of people wear braces. If you’re one of them (or your child) be sure to take the time to pay attention to detail. While it requires spending a little more effort before bedtime… In the long run it WILL be worth it.

The purpose of today’s post isn’tto go over all the details of caring for teeth with braces. We just want to focus on cleaning them. Your orthodontist has likely already told you lots of do’s and don’ts. But here are a couple little reminders: There are foods you should probably just avoid including taffy, caramels, and hard nuts. And don’t chew ice or bubble gum. Be careful with things that are hard to bite like bagels and apples.

Take a minute to learn from this video created by the good folks at Howcast:

Please contact us if you have any additional questions, and if you haven’t yet had a chance to become a fan of our Facebook page, do it now by clicking on the image below:

We look forward to seeing you the next time you visit!

What’s Causing That Bad Breath?

March 13, 2011

SO, YOU’RE DEALING WITH A NOT SO NICE SMELL? Yes, we get that comment in our office quite frequently. Many times the complaint is not from the offender but from a long-suffering spouse or family member.

There are many causes of bad breath (which we call “halitosis”). Some are serious and some aren’t. And while many people have decided to just hold their breath and live with it, the good news is diagnosing and treating bad breath is something that can easily be done at our office.

We’ve complied a list of a few main causes for that unpleasant smell:

Your Diet

Garlic and onions are very healthy, but they also contain oils which may cause an unhealthy reaction to those around you. Odors like these start in your lungs, and can last for up to 72 hours, making them much harder to cover up. Mints, gum, or mouthwash can be helpful… Or make sure to share your food with everyone around you!

Smoking can also cause bad breath for numerous reasons. Not only does it carry it’s own unpleasant smell, it makes your mouth dried out, which only fuels bad smells.

Dry Mouth

A dry mouth lets dead cells accumulate on your gums, tongue and cheeks. And while morning breath is a perfectly normal phenomenon due to lowered salivary activity at night – it shouldn’t last all day. Those who snore, take certain medications, or even have lasted into middle age are more likely to deal with dry mouth. Even if these things are the case for you, don’t lose hope, we may have suggestions to help lessen your dry mouth issues.

Routine Illnesses

Colds, sore throats, coughs and sinus infections all cause yucky smelling mucus (or snot, depending on your age), to get trapped in your mouth, throat and nose, which causes foul breath until the illness is taken care of. Of course, if you have one of these highly contagious problems you shouldn’t be that close to someone anyway! If a sinus infection, sore throat , cough or cold doesn’t clear up in a few days to a week, you should probably see your physician to make sure there isn’t something more serious happening.

Chronic Diseases or Conditions

Many serious diseases such as lung infections, kidney failure, diabetes, cancer, GERD, anorexia, bulimia and others can cause very specific types of halitosis. The good news is that these conditions are on the rare side. During your visit with us, let us know if you suspect any of these problems, and we will look into it further for you.

Poor Hygiene

Although we don’t want anyone to have poor hygiene or gum disease, this happens to be the easiest one to treat for bad breath. The important thing to remember is not to wait too long! Gum disease, which usually starts with poor brushing and flossing habits as well as a lack of routine dental visits, can do much more than make your mouth stinky.

In just a short period of time, gum disease can advance and eat away at the gums and bone which hold your teeth in place. The result? Loose, unstable teeth which will eventually be lost if not treated.

Bad breath is not normal!

Visit with Drs. Boswell and Bradley and on a routine basis for your best bet for making sure your teeth and gums stay healthy, your smile stays bright, and your breath doesn’t cause others to run in the opposite direction.

At Lake Oconee Dental, we are always here for you! Please make sure you are getting the most up-to-date information on your dental health and other great stuff as well by Liking us on Facebook. We love having conversations and answering any questions you might have there.

We look forward to seeing you during your next visit!

And The Winner Is… Susan Brosman!

February 28, 2011

OK… THIS WAS JUST GOOD OL’ FASHIONED FUN! As many of you know, we recently ran a little drawing in our practice for a brand new, shiny, cool Apple iPad! And we want to sincerely thank ALL of our friends who LIKED our page and entered the drawing.

We just took the “prize patrol” approach and showed up at Susan’s workplace to award her the big prize!

We want ALL of our valued patients to know how much we appreciate the trust you place in our practice. We’re honored to be your lifelong, oral health partners.

Are Dentures A Good Fit For You?

February 27, 2011

IT’S NOT LIKE THE OLD DAYS when it comes to denture technology, materials and fit. If your parents or grandparents had dentures, chances are their experience was very different than what yours would be. The stereotypes and thoughts commonly associated with dentures have been changing.

First of all, some people think that dentures, or partial dentures, are only for “old people”. Not true. While Drs. Bradley and Boswelldo everything possible to save existing teeth, sometimes dentures are the best alternative—regardless of your age. Our dentists may recommend full dentures if you’ve lost—or are in danger of losing—allof your teeth. If you have some missing teeth, but other healthy teeth (and gums), then partial dentures can utilize those teethfor better support.

Dentures can make a huge difference in everyday life.

Dentures help you eat more normally and speak more clearly. One of the great things about today’s modern dentures is that they look and feel like natural teeth, and are made of the finest, modern dental materials. Our Lake Oconee dentists spend as much time determining proper fit and function as they do making them look natural. Each tooth is individually designed, positioned, and color matched for a “realistic” look that’s nearly always mistaken for one’s natural teeth.

Here’s a little trivia…

Despite what people commonly think, George Washington’s different sets of dentures were not made of wood. Materials at that time included hippopotamus ivory, gold pivots, springs, other people’s human teeth, cow’s teeth, and rivets.

One more quick thought…

We work with the very finest dental laboratories to fashion your dentures—featuring premium, low-staining, long-lasting teeth with a strong, high-impact acrylic base. There are companies that often sell dentures that are “self-fitting,” often offered with discounting pricing. Not only can these types of dentures lead to other oral health problems because of improper fit, if they hurt or are uncomfortable you won’t want wear them.

Speaking of improper fit… Do you mind if we have a little fun for a minute?

If you think dentures may be the solution for you, let’s visit. You can make an appointment directly, or give us a call at 706.453.1333.

And, be sure to become a fan of OUR FACEBOOK PAGE. There, you’ll come to best understand the culture that surrounds our dental practice. Culture, you ask? Yes… Culture. It’s a culture that helps you feel comfortable knowing that you’re receiving the very best oral health care—from people who care.We treat people, not teeth.

Dental Emergency Thoughts

January 30, 2011

AT LAKE OCONEE DENTISTRY, WE CARE ABOUT EVERY aspect of your oral health. We know, that no matter how well we keep up our daily routine, sometimes accidents happen. It’s a fact. Although many dental emergencies cannot be planned, taking care of them the right way can.

Although it may seem like a minor thing to you, a dental injury to your teeth or gums should not be ignored as it can be potentially serious—with risks of more permanent damage, or more extensive (and expensive) repair down the road. Drs. Bradley and Boswell want you to stay safe and comfortable with all your oral care.

To help you through the unexpected dental moments, here are a few basic points to remember:


Rinse with warm water and be sure nothing is lodged. If you can see something lodged, try using dental floss. Never use anything sharp to dislodge it. Apply an ice pack if needed to reduce the swelling, and call us as soon as possible. We should probably take a look to see exactly what is causing your pain.

Chipped & Broken Tooth?

Although it may sound sorta gross, save the pieces of the tooth if you can. Apply gauze pressure if you’re bleeding. See us as soon as you can.

A Knocked Out Tooth?

As with a chipped tooth, saving it is important. Remember that the sooner you come see us the better.

A Dislodged Tooth?

Apply a cold compress to help if there’s pain. Take over-the-counter pain relievers as needed. Call us, and get in here to see us right away.

Lose A Filling?

Believe it or not, as a temporary measure until you can get in here to see us, you can stick a piece of sugarless chewing gum into the hole. Then, call us!

Lost A Crown?

Come in as soon as possible and be sure to bring the crown. In the meantime, slip the crown back in if you can, or use a cotton swab to apply a little clove oil to the sensitive area.

Broken Braces Wires?

If the wire sticks out and is poking you (ouch), first try using the eraser end of a pencil to push the wire into a comfortable position. If you can’t do that, cover it with orthodontic wax or a piece of gauze until you can see us or your orthodontist. Don’t try to cut the wire yourself, doing so could cause further damage to your mouth or braces.

Hey, be careful out there.At Lake Oconee Dental we want to remind everyone to wear a mouthguard to help prevent injuries!

See what’s going on even when you aren’t in our office, visit us on Facebook. We look forward to visiting with you there or the next time you’re in our office!

Things To Consider About Baby Teeth

December 30, 2010

WE AREN’T SURE WHY IT’S HAPPENING, but we think videos like the one below are becoming far too common.Are people just obsessed with the viral video craze and want to be part of it? Should parents be subjecting their kids to these absurd tooth-yanking antics for publicity? Whatever the reason, we don’t think it’s safe or smart.

If you have children this age, and they’re loosing baby teeth, do you ever ask yourself if you should let them fall out naturally, let the child pull them, or just pull them yourself?

Drs. Bradley and Boswellhave a few simple tips for those loose baby teeth. Every child reacts differently, so take these tips as advice, and not any sort of strict guidelines. Also, if you have any specific concerns or questions about your child’s baby teeth, please don’t hesitate to ask us or come in for a visit.

  1. Most of today’s dentists will offer parents the following advice… don’t pull your children’s teeth out. You can encourage them to pull them out themselves by wiggling their tooth with their fingers or their tongue. This is primarily because only your child knows for sure how loose a tooth really is—and how attached it really is! They also know how much discomfort they’re able and willing to take.
  2. If your kid has waited long enough to pull it out, there shouldn’t be much bleeding—pack a small piece of wet gauze and hold pressure for a few minutes if there is.
  3. There are times, as a permanent tooth pushes the baby tooth out, the new tooth will push the baby tooth in an unusual direction forward that effects the gums. If that happens, and you have a questions about it,contact our office. It may be best to have us help pull the tooth. This is actually quite rare.
  4. Sometimes by waiting longer, the tooth may come out unexpectedly when your child is eating. Although not usual, the tooth can be swallowed. Don’t worry! It’s very unlikely that he or she will choke on it. The tooth fairy may be a little bit disappointed, but a swallowed tooth is not harmful.
  5. We have heard of some parents offering their child a fresh, crisp, delicious apple! If the tooth is loose enough, it will likely come out.

Once again, PLEASE don’t try to make videos like this one. It is not worth the risk of trauma to your children and additional harm you could cause.

Again we remind you to be sure to go to our Facebook site and “Like” it to keep up with our practice.

Thank you again for being our valued patients and friends. Happy New Year!

Living With Sensitive Teeth?

December 21, 2010

WHO’S READY FOR A SENSITIVE DISCUSSION? Sensitive teeth discussion, that is. While we know not everyone deals with sensitive teeth, we also understand that for those of you who do, it’s something that can really change the way you view food.Tooth sensitivity can come from just about anywhere—sweet or sour foods, hot or cold temperatures. For some, even simply biting down causes problems. Pain from these things can be mild to severe, and many times is very sharp—shooting directly to the nerve endings.No matter the cause of sensitivity, they all create the same results—the nerve endings in your teeth become too easily exposed, creating a lower tolerance for the things you put in your mouth.No matter the level, Drs. Bradley and Boswell know that tooth sensitivity is not pleasant. While every situation is different, here are a couple of basic things you can do to help prevent sensitivity:

  • BRUSHING:Keeping up proper hygiene will help prevent tarter buildup. Brushing helps reduce the risk of exposing nerves. Also make sure to use a soft bristled toothbrush when you brush. This creates less abrasion and reduces potential gum recession. There are also several brands of toothpaste that help decrease sensitivity with regular use.
  • DAILY ROUTINE:Daily use of a fluoridated mouthwash can also decrease sensitivity. Highly acidic foods, which can contribute to the dissolve of tooth enamel, can increase sensitivity. Limiting foods like this helps add to preventive care. Teeth grinding and clenching can also lead to wearing of the enamel.

We want to be your greatest information resource in preventing and solving your sensitive tooth issues. After learning about your habits and understanding your teeth, we can find you solutions and help with steps to make your teeth less sensitive, and your daily life more pleasant.In addition to our list, here’s a short video that highlights care for your sensitive teeth:If you have any general questions about tooth sensitivity make sure to let us know during any visit to our office. Or send us a question through our Facebook page by clicking on the logo below:

Some Simple Basics About Dental Implants

December 14, 2010

FROM THE MOST COMMON THINGS, INCLUDING WEAR AND TEAR, TO TRAUMA OR DISEASE, many adults have experienced permanent tooth loss.Regardless of the level of loss, discomfort and/or lack of confidence are common side effects. Of course, permanent tooth loss is something Drs. Patti, David and Phil and their team always do their best to prevent. However, it isn’t always possible. The great news is that today there are beautiful and functional solutions.Implant dentistry is not something new, although from its original origins in the 50’s it has indeed come a long way. Initial discoveries came when scientists learned how bones can fuse with titanium, making natural bone support possible. Today, Lake Oconee Dentistry uses this original discovery to copy the root and tooth system that your mouth naturally has.

Implants are first placed within the gum line. Then, they are given about 3–6 months healing time to ensure that there is complete and proper fusion with the bone. After the implants have healed, the custom crown, bridge, or dentures can be placed. After this placement (unlike traditional dentures or bridges) the solution is much stronger and long lasting, giving you the confident smile you deserve.

As with most dental procedures, dental implants begin with a consultation with Dr. Patti Bradley, Dr. David Bradley, or Dr. Phil Boswell to help with any questions and allow them the chance to create a custom-tailored plan that best meets your needs.

Here is a simple video illustration of just how simply dental implants work:

To learn more about how implant dentistry corrects and enhances smiles, schedule an appointment to visit with us.

Be sure to take a minute to connect with us on Facebook by clicking on the logo below!

We Always Love Answering Your Questions

November 27, 2010

RECENTLY, A REPORTER FROM U.S. News & World Report did a short, simple story that we have embedded below. The story features the reporter asking seven question about her oral health to three different dentists.

These are the seven questions asked in the video:

  1. How do I avoid bad breath?
  2. What’s my role in keeping my gums healthy?
  3. Why is it so important to take good care of my gums?
  4. What is oral cancer, and how can I prevent it?
  5. Wisdom teeth… Take them out, or leave them in?
  6. Why should I visit my dentist every six months?
  7. How can I get that “drop-dead-gorgeous” smile?

Here at Lake Oconee Dental, we’re big on communication. We love visiting with you, our valued patients. Being your trusted resource for all of your oral health questions and needs is very important to us. We want you to feel comfortable at all times, and hope you can be comfortable asking us any question you may have.So, if you’ve been wondering about any of the topics listed above, or anything else, please ask. And as you know, we have many ways for you to communicate with us including our Facebook site. Be sure to become a “Like” on Facebook to keep up with everything going on in our practice.
And again, thanks for being our patient and friend.

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