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Lake Oconee Dentistry Blog

Real Smiles Versus Fake Smiles

January 8, 2014

Filed under: Blog — @ 5:34 pm

THERE’S A BIG DIFFERENCE between a real smile and a fake smile. And while a polite smile can help smooth over some social situations, a sincere, honest, from-the-heart smile can completely turn the day around.

What Is “The Duchenne Smile?”

The Duchenne Smile was named after 17th century French researcher Duchenne de Bologne. He believed that the key to a real smile (a genuine expression of happiness) was found in the eyes, and although the muscles around your mouth are easy to shape into a smile, the muscles around your eyes (the Orbicularis Orbiti) are only triggered by true happiness.

Can You Spot Fake Smiles? Take This Quiz!

This is really a lot of fun! Take the quiz yourself!

Do You Know How To Smize?

Smize means “smile with your eyes”. Despite Duchenne’s long-standing theory, recent research (and Tyra Banks) suggests that anyone can fake a “genuine” smile. What do you think?

One Key To Spotting A Genuine Smile Is Imitation

Smiles are literally contagious. When we see a smile we have a subconscious urge to reflect it back. And when we imitate a smile, we can FEEL whether or not it’s real.In a 2013 study subjects held a pencil in their mouth while scrolling through photos of people smiling. The pencil kept participants from reflecting the expressions they saw, handicapping their ability to read the emotions behind those smiles. Interesting!

Let Us Help Keep YOUR Smile Healthy And Confident

Smiles are powerful. Genuine smiles are even more powerful. When you’re confident about your smile, it can truly change your life. Visit with us if you’re hiding your smile! Keep your smile beautiful and healthy!

Thanks for the trust you place in our practice and for being our valued patient!

Listening To And Learning From YOU!

January 2, 2014

Filed under: Blog,Social — @ 6:58 pm

A CRITICAL COMPONENT of personalized patient care is cultivating the art of listening. One of the most important reasons we use social media is to be sure it’s easy for you to connect with us—whenever and wherever you want. We’re always anxious to know your thoughts about how we can best serve you.

Your Feedback Helps Us Be Our Best

The statement above isn’t just lip service. Whether you need to let us know about a concern or question you have, or you just want to reach out and say thanks to a team member, your thoughts and suggestions help us continually shape our service priorities. Feel free to leave a comment on our blog any time, or you can contact us directly.

Our Focus Is On Your Comfort, Health, And Appearance

We know that every patient’s needs are different—and, we want to know what we can do to always keep you healthy and comfortable. So let us know!

Social Media Makes Communication Easy

We want you to be able to reach out to us in a way that’s easy for YOU. For many of our patients, that includes being accessible on social media sites like Facebook and here on our blog where you can leave comments. So don’t be shy! When you have questions, just ask!

Just For Fun (and it’s about listening!)

Thank You For Being Our Valued Patients And Friends!

We’re so grateful for the opportunity we have to work with you. Thank you for your kind referrals of extended family members, coworkers, and friends. And most of all, thanks for being a part of our dental family. It’s wonderful patients like you that help make our jobs joyful and fulfilling.

We wish you a wonderful 2014!

Antacids Bring Relief But They Can Also Damage Your Teeth

December 26, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 7:05 pm

MANY FOODS, INCLUDING dairy products, meats, fish, some grains, sugars, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages can contribute to an overabundance of acid in the body. To combat the indigestion and discomfort these foods may cause, people take antacids. Trouble is, antacids can have damaging side effects on your smile.

Antacids May Weaken Your Teeth

For proper digestion, your stomach needs a certain level of acidity. If you take antacids too often or in high enough doses, your body can react by producing more acid than normal. Too much acid can lead to more heartburn (and may compel you to take even more antacids). In their attempt to block the acid production, antacids can inhibit the absorption of calcium and protein—both vital components for improving the strength of your teeth and jaw.

Antacids Can Lead To Tooth Decay And Gum Disease

Antacids can cause dry mouth. With less saliva in your mouth to wash food debris from your teeth and neutralize the acid produced by plaque, you’re more likely to experience gum disease and tooth decay.

Antacids are also often full of sugar and the chewable ones can get stuck in the crevices of your teeth. This type of prolonged exposure can contribute to cavities.

After You “Spell Relief” Rinse The Antacids Off Your Teeth

Tips For Avoiding The Negative Effects Of Antacids

  • Use antacids in moderation. Try sugar-free ones.
  • Rinse your mouth after taking antacids, and after eating acidic foods.
  • Consume less acidic foods and drinks.
  • To protect enamel, wait about 30 minutes to brush after eating antacids or acidic foods.
  • Sugarless gum and candies can help with dry mouth.
  • Baking soda can help clean your teeth AND neutralize stomach acid.


We hope this information was helpful. If you have questions about antacids, please ask us.

Thanks for being one of our valued patients!

3 Tips For Eating Healthy Lunches Your Teeth Will Like

December 18, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 5:37 pm

WE BELIEVE IN PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY and yes, much of that depends on you! Cleaning your teeth after you eat is important, but the effects of good habits also have a lot to do with what you eat.

Keep Your Smile Healthy By Packing Great Lunches

Eating on-the-go can be problematic. In the morning, grabbing a donut is much easier than making an omelette! But taking the time to think through what you’re eating for lunch is really important for both your oral and overall health. Whether you’re planning your own lunch or you’re making lunch for your kids to take to school, keep these three smile-friendly lunch tips in mind.

1. Switch Out The Troublemakers

Chewy, sweet foods like gummies or dried fruits like Craisins can be really bad for your teeth because they stick! For a sweet treat, choose fresh fruit or even a little bit of chocolate.

Processed, starchy crackers or chips are trouble-makers. They stick to teeth and turn into sugars very quickly. Opt for whole grains instead—or even better, some healthy nuts or seeds.

2. Reconsider What You Drink

Soda and sports drinks are bad news for your teeth. Some fruit juices are loaded with sugar and acid as well. Consider milk or water instead. Chocolate milk may be a good option too. It offers protein and almost half of your daily calcium.

If you just can’t kick the soda habit, drink water after you finish lunch to help clean and rebalance your mouth.

3. Use Natural Scrubbers

There are certain foods that actually help your teeth. For example, yogurt and cheese can cut acidity making something like fruit juice less harmful. And then there are great fruits and vegetables that scrub your teeth when you eat them and get rid of built-up sugars and starches from your lunch. These include celery, apples, carrots, cucumbers, and pears.

This Video Is Specific To School Lunches, But The Tips Are Great For Everyone!

The ideas in this video are great. Start using some of them today!

Do You Have Any Tips To Add?

Do you have any ideas of your own to add? Comment below, we’d love to hear from you!

Thanks for your trust in our practice. We appreciate wonderful patients like you.

The Age-Old Question Of What To Do With Loose Baby Teeth

December 12, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 5:21 pm

WE’VE ALL BEEN THROUGH IT, RIGHT? Can you remember when your baby teeth were falling out? Did one of your parents yank them out for you? Or, were you one of those do-it-yourself-ers?

Our Advice? No Viral Video Attempts Pulling Teeth In Crazy Ways

Have you seen some of the online videos out there where parents subject their children to absurd tooth-yanking antics? Videos like that raise the question (or should raise the question) of motive. But that’s another discussion for another time… This post is about whether you should let them fall out naturally, let the child pull them out, or pull them out yourself. Here’s some information to help you make that decision. Don’t have children? Share the information below with someone who does. They’ll appreciate it!

Five Things To Consider

  1. Most dentists today say NOT to pull a child’s tooth. Letting the child wiggle the tooth out with their own fingers or tongue may be the better idea. Why? Because only he or she knows for sure how loose (or attached) the tooth really is and how much discomfort it is causing.
  2. If the child has waited long enough to pull it, there shouldn’t be much bleeding. Pack a small piece of wet gauze and hold pressure there for a few minutes. The bleeding should stop fairly quickly.
  3. Sometimes permanent teeth push the new tooth in an unusual direction which can affect the gums. If this happens, you may want to give us a call.
  4. Although not typical, a tooth can come out while eating and may be swallowed. Don’t worry! It’s very unlikely the child will choke on it. The tooth fairy may be a little disappointed, but a swallowed tooth is not harmful.
  5. Some parents offer their child a fresh, crisp, delicious apple! If the tooth is loose enough, it will likely come out.

A Little One You Know Will Enjoy Watching This Video

Take this opportunity to visit with your child, grandchild, or someone you know about the importance of caring for baby teeth before they fall out. They’re important in the development of a healthy adult smile.

Adults With Loose Teeth

For adults, it’s not normal or healthy for a tooth to be loose. If you have a loose tooth, contact us right away so we can determine the cause and recommend a solution.

Thank you for trusting us with your oral health.

5 Simple Steps To Harnessing The Power Of Your Smile

December 4, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 7:17 pm

YOUR SMILE IS AMONG YOUR MOST influential assets! But, that doesn’t mean your smile has to be a perfect, “movie star” smile for you to harness its power.

Step 1: Practice, Practice, Practice

Life’s too short to skip the simple things that make you happy. Smile more. Smile and laugh, proudly. Abundantly. Invite people to share in the things that make you smile. Your smiles will foster gratitude. Smiling can become a habit. Seek the opportunity.

Step 2: Be Aware Of The Smile/Emotion Connection

Author and poet, Thích Nhất Hạnh once said, “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” We often only think about the way positive emotions trigger smiles, but it works the other way too. Smiles trigger positive emotions. They can even help us better deal with stress or pain.

Step 3: Eliminate The “Courtesy” Smile

Make a conscious decision to replace every half-hearted smile given in politeness with a genuine smile. You can do it!

Step 4: Remember How Attractive Your Smile Makes You

A recent study of 5,000+ singles found that both men (58%) and women (71%) judge the opposite sex MOST (and FIRST) on the appearance of their teeth. Smiles invite and strengthen relationships.

Step 5: Keep Your Smile Healthy

Treat your smile with the love it deserves. Brush and floss daily, and schedule regular checkups.

We Love Your Smiles

Some estimates say that 30% of the general population is unhappy with their smiles to a point where they avoid smiling. That’s sad. If you feel that way, let’s visit. Sometimes it just helps to talk about it. Whether you’re ready for a big change or just a tiny, subtle improvement, we can help you harness the power of YOUR smile. Thanks for being our valued patients and friends.

Flossing Correctly Is As Important As Flossing Daily

November 27, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 4:13 pm

YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT NEGLECTING TO FLOSS can lead to all kinds of oral health problems—including tooth decay and periodontal disease. But what most people don’t know (or don’t think about) are the correct and incorrect techniques associated with flossing. They’re not complicated and they’re important to know. We hope this helps!

Yes, Ned Is Finally Flossing… But Don’t Be Like Ned

Nice job, Ned! You’ve gone from never flossing to flossing more often! But there are still a few very important things that you’re not doing correctly. Now it’s time to tighten up those flossing skills!

Don’t Do These Things That Ned Does:

  • Don’t skip a day now and then. Floss daily to remove harmful bacteria.
  • Don’t “saw back and forth” which could cut into your gums. Slide the floss up and down against the tooth’s surface.
  • Don’t floss too aggressively. Snapping the floss into your gums can cut them and damage the tissue.
  • Don’t forget to floss under your gum line to remove hard-to-reach plaque.
  • Don’t forget to floss the back side of those very, very back teeth (even though they’re not up against another tooth).

Important Flossing Tips:

  • Start with about 18 inches of floss. Wind most around one finger and the rest around the same finger on the opposite hand.
  • Be gentle! Slide the floss between your teeth and below the gums and then use a soft up-and-down rubbing motion.
  • Use a new section of your floss for each tooth to avoid spreading bacteria from tooth to tooth.
  • Flossing in front of a mirror can help you be more thorough.
  • You can floss in the morning or at night, before or after you brush.

Have Questions About Flossing?

Flossing is an important part of your daily oral health routine. However, maximizing the benefit comes from doing it correctly. If you have additional questions about flossing or any other aspect of your oral hygiene, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you! And you can always post questions directly on our Facebook page.

Thanks for being our awesome patient!

3 Dental Tips If You Have A Cold Or The Flu

November 20, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 6:39 pm

WHEN THE COLD AND FLU SEASON STRIKES your teeth are probably the last thing you’re thinking about as you reach for another tissue! But there ARE some things related to that cold or flu that can affect your oral health. Be conscious of these three things:

Tip 1: Avoid Dry Mouth By Staying Hydrated

Dry mouth increases cavity risk. Most colds come with a giant side order of stuffy nose. We respond by breathing through our mouths! Doing so, combined with decreased saliva production during sleep, makes our mouths more vulnerable to harmful bacteria.

Tip 2: Keep The Bad Stuff Off Your Teeth

  • Are you sucking on cough drops all day? Most are loaded with sugar. Opt for sugar-free cough drops if possible.
  • Cough syrup is loaded with sugar too. If you take cough syrup, rinse your mouth out before going back to bed.
  • Stomach acid is hard on teeth. Sorry to bring this up, but if you’re throwing up, keep your teeth rinsed and clean.

Tip 3: No Matter How Tired…

We know it’s tough when you’re sick, but don’t skip your normal brushing/flossing routine just because you’re feeling really tired. Your oral health is too important to neglect. (By the way, did you notice the kitty in the photo above? We think she’s smelling his breath because he hasn’t brushed in days.)

A Few More Practical Tips For Staying Healthy

Stay healthy this flu season! Remember to sneeze into your elbow and wash your hands often to keep viruses from spreading.

And This One Is Just For Fun…

If you’re sick, get feeling better soon! And thanks for your trust in our practice.


Six Awesome, Surprising Toothpaste Uses

November 13, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 7:05 pm

WE USE IT DAILY TO CLEAN OUR TEETH and freshen our breath, but did you know there are many other everyday uses for toothpaste? Here are a few:

Cleaning, Polishing, And Removing Stains

A little toothpaste can help remove stains from clothes and carpet, crayon from walls, scuffs from shoes, and soap scum from the shower. You can polish chrome faucet fixtures, jewelry, and even your finger and toenails!


Have a plastic bottle that smells like sour milk? Are your hands smelly after handling onions or fish? Scrubbing with toothpaste can help get rid of unpleasant smells.

Restoring Car Headlights

Itch And Pain Relief

Want to soothe the pain or itching caused by a bug bite or simple burn? It has also been said that toothpaste can help reduce the size and discomfort of cold sores and zits.

Defogging Mirrors And Goggles

Rubbing a little toothpaste on a mirror, glasses or goggles and then rinsing the surface clean can help prevent fogging. Eureka!

Filling Nail Holes In Walls

Don’t have drywall paste on hand or time to run to the hardware store? No problem. Fill in the holes with toothpaste and let it dry. You can even paint over it.

A Little Toothpaste History

Before You Go Crazy With The Toothpaste…

There are LOTS of accounts out there of people using toothpaste for the purposes above AND others. But, we haven’t tried them all ourselves! So here’s our little “disclaimer”!

If you’re going to try any of these ideas use white, non-gel toothpaste AND be sure to do your own research first! Just Google your idea before you start—there are tons of step-by-step instructions and testimonials out there!

Do you have another use for toothpaste that you’ve tried? Share it with us below!

We hope this was fun for you (and informative). Thanks for being our awesome patients!

The Connection Between Gum Disease And Dementia

November 6, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 6:50 pm

NEARLY ALL OF US EXPERIENCE bleeding gums at some point in our lives. But don’t assume it’s no big deal. Gum disease can have serious consequences including pain, chronic bleeding and tooth loss. It has also been linked to a number of total body health conditions including Alzheimer’s.

Skipping The Floss Can Increase Dementia Risk

A recent study of over 5000 retirement community members found that NOT brushing daily could increase the risk of developing dementia up to 65%. Other research supports the correlation between tooth loss and Alzheimer’s. Some researchers theorize that because tooth loss and sensitivity may contribute to poor eating habits, that also affects brain health. And, Alzheimer’s patients are more likely to neglect their personal dental care. However, even with these other variables removed, there seems to be a strong link.

Miles Of Floss

How Oral Bacteria Hurts Your Brain

When you experience gum irritation and bleeding you essentially have an open wound and bacteria from your mouth can enter the rest of the body through your bloodstream. In one British study, traces of P. gingivalis were found in brain tissue of those afflicted with Alzheimer’s. It may be that the bacteria creates brain inflammation, causing dementia. It could also be that it triggers an immune response which attacks healthy brain cells.

Take Care Of Your Body By Taking Care Of Your Gums

Taking care of your gum health is an important part of overall health. Follow these steps for a healthy mouth and a healthy brain:

  1. Brush every day.
  2. Floss every day.
  3. Don’t postpone your regular cleanings.

Do you have someone you care about who could benefit from this information? Share the message and remind them to floss!

Thanks for your trust in our practice. We appreciate you!

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