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Lake Oconee Dentistry Blog

Desserts, Snacks, And Your Smile’s Health

October 30, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 5:36 pm

YES, SNACKS AND DESSERTS ARE BOTH TEMPTING AND TASTY! But they can wreak havoc on your teeth. For your smile’s health, when it comes to sweets, consider what and when you eat.

One Option… Don’t Save Dessert For Last!

When you finish off a meal with something sweet, the starch and sugar may end up camping out on your teeth longer while your saliva works to wash it away. Eating other kinds of foods last—such as fruits, vegetables, cheese—speeds up the cleansing process and reduces the amount of time your smile is exposed to potentially harmful substances.

Start Making The Shift To More Smile-Friendly Desserts And Snacks

We understand… Eliminating all sweets isn’t easy! The good news is that it probably isn’t necessary either. However, you can better avoid their negative effects by eating less of them. Try eating snacks that both you AND your smile will like, including:

  • dairy products like cheese and yogurt
  • hard-boiled eggs, raw peanuts, almonds
  • fresh fruits and vegetables
  • pumpkin and sunflower seeds
  • sugar-free gum

Whether they’re increasing saliva flow, providing smile-friendly vitamins and minerals, or neutralizing acid produced by plaque, the foods above can help prevent tooth decay. And they’re delicious too!

Easy Action Items:

Mom was right…

  1. Limit the amount of sweets you eat.
  2. When you DO eat something sugary, eat it before or with something else.
  3. Clean your teeth after snacks and meals.
  4. Keep up routine checkups.

Again, thank you for the continued trust you place in our practice. We appreciate you!

Reducing Canker Sore Pain And Duration

October 23, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 4:06 pm

THE EXACT CAUSE of canker sores is unknown. What we do know is that canker sores can be extremely bothersome! By better understanding some of the possible causes—and some treatment options—we hope to reduce the irritation canker sores may cause you.

Possible Canker Sore Causes

These non-contagious lesions that appear on your gums, lips, cheeks, and the roof of your mouth may be caused by:

  • irritation (from harsh brushing, braces, biting the inside of your mouth, etc.)
  • high stress levels
  • bacterial infections
  • improper nutrition and/or vitamin deficiencies
  • immune system issues
  • food allergies

Tips For Reducing Canker Sore Pain And Duration

There’s no cure-all solution for canker sores. But, there are a few things you can do to reduce their painful impact and possibly reduce your susceptibility.

  • A baking soda or salt water rinse can soothe pain.
  • A daily dose of Vitamin B12 can reduce sore frequency and duration.
  • Certain over-the-counter products can help with pain and healing.
  • Do your best to reduce stress! Exercise may help!
  • Watch what you eat… Notice if certain foods trigger your canker sores.
  • Regularly using an antiseptic rinse may help with prevention.
  • Avoid hot or spicy foods that may further irritate sores.
  • Check your toothpaste. Some research shows that SLS (an ingredient found in many toothpastes) may aggravate canker sores.

An Important Note

Canker sores usually heal themselves in a week or two. If yours don’t, please call us to set up an appointment! Lingering sores may be an early sign of a more serious condition. Your health and comfort is our number one priority!

Thanks for being a valued part of our practice. We appreciate you!

Ages 65+: Your Healthy Smile Timeline

October 16, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 6:43 pm

WELCOME TO THE FOURTH and finalchapter in our “Healthy Smile Timeline” series. Let’s talk about a few special concerns that may crop up once your smile is a little more seasoned—as well as some cosmetic options you may want to consider. If YOU don’t fall into this particular age category, perhaps you care for someone who does. Be sure to share this post with friends and/or loved ones who could benefit from these ideas.

Today, Modern Dentistry Helps People Keep Their Smiles For Life!

During generations past, lost teeth were considered an inevitable consequence of aging. Now we know how to better care for our smiles as they age. With modern advances, you can have a comfortable, healthy smile for life!

Must-Do’s, Ages 65+:

  • For the most part, losing your teeth during your golden years has little to do with getting old and almost everything to do with gum disease. It’s common as we age because our immune systems can’t fight off inflammation as easily. Regular checkups and cleanings greatly help protect you from this problem.
  • Many medications precipitate dry mouth, a side effect which can hurt your oral health. Keep us up to date on your medications and any medical issues you’re having.

Should-Do’s, Ages 65+:

  • Today’s dental implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth! If you’re missing one or more teeth, advanced restorative implants may be the solution.
  • If limited mobility is impairing your home care routine, ask us about special tools that can help. We might recommend an electric toothbrush, or even little tweaks to your usual tools—like extending your toothbrush, or attaching a little ball to the bottom to make it easier to grip.
  • Boost YOUR self confidence! A recent study indicates that nearly 90% of dental implant patients who previously wore dentures say confidence is up, and the procedure was worth repeating.

Could-Do’s, Ages 65+:

  • When it comes to cosmetic and restorative dentistry, it isn’t complicated and there’s very little discomfort. More and more seasoned citizens are keeping their teeth AND beautifying their smiles with cosmetic veneers. You can too.

Be An Example Of Great Oral Health

You’re part of an amazing new generation of people proving that we can all keep great oral health well into our golden years! While our ancestors were subsisting on soup by age 50, we’ll still be eating all our favorite crunchy foods for as long as we want. Show everyone what it means to have a lifetime of great dental health!

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the tips and recommendations above. Our team is always here to help.

Thank you for reading and sharing this series! We love working with fantastic patients like you.

Your Healthy Smile Timeline: Ages 40-60

October 9, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 4:06 pm

IT’S TIME TO TALK ABOUT 40–60 YEAR OLD SMILES in our Healthy Smile Timeline Series! And again, don’t forget that if YOU don’t fall into this category share this post with someone who does—a family member, coworker, parent or friend. Great oral health is important for everyone.

Must-Do’s, Ages 40–60:

  • It’s estimated that up to 3/4 of adults over age 35 have some degree of gum disease. This can usually be prevented with flossing and brushing, but if it’s already progressed you may need extra care from our team. Talk to us if you’re experiencing bleeding gums.
  • Some research shows that bad oral health may be linked to systemic problems like heart disease, dementia, diabetes, and stroke. Keep your whole body healthy by keeping your mouth healthy.

Should-Do’s, Ages 40–60:

  • Restorative treatments (such as crowns and dental fillings) are more convenient, comfortable and affordable than ever before. Do you have old, badly worn dental work? It may be time to replace those old fillings or crowns before they crack and cause discomfort.

Could-Do’s, Ages 40–60:

  • Studies show that people look younger when they smile. And the AACD (American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry) recently reported that most Americans 50 and over believe that a smile overcomes the effects of aging more effectively than any other physical attribute.
  • Nothing makes you feel younger than a healthy, vibrant smile. Talk to us about cosmetic dentistry options.

Take Care Of Your Smile And It Will Take Care Of You!

You’re in the prime of life. Stay the course, stick to your great oral health habits, and don’t neglect your regular check-ups. Through preventative care you really can keep your healthy smile for life. Take good care of your smile now to prevent problems down the road.

If you have any questions about tips mentioned in this post, don’t hesitate to ask us about it. Comment below, or give us a call.

As always, thanks for your continued trust in our practice! We appreciate having you as our valued patient.

Ages 20–40: Your Healthy Smile Timeline

October 2, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 4:41 pm

THIS WEEK (as part of our Healthy Smile Timeline Series) let’s address some age-specific dental topics for patients ages 20–40.

Remember, even if YOU don’t fall into this particular age range you certainly know and/or care about someone who does. Pass this post along to extended family members, coworkers and friends! They’ll appreciate it.

We don’t want to overwhelm you… So, to help you prioritize, we’ve divided the information into must-do’s, should-do’s and could-do’s.

Must Do’s, Ages 20–40:

  • Never allow regular check-ups to slide just because you’re away from your mom’s gentle (or not-so-gentle) reminders about appointments! You may not see the adverse effects of neglect right away—but it’s SO important to catch early signs of gingivitis, micro fractures, and cavities.
  • You may think oral cancer only affects smokers or the elderly, but 20–40 year olds are the fastest growing demographic for oral cancer. Learn more about oral cancer signs and risk factors, and make sure you’re regularly screened.

Should Do’s, Ages 20–40:

  • Are your wisdom teeth adversely affecting your bite? Will they be a problem in the future, or a risk factor for infections? Most people have their wisdom teeth removed during their late teens or early 20’s. If you haven’t had them removed, be sure to have them checked.
  • Every woman should know that during pregnancy hormonal changes can inflame gums and increase the odds for gingivitis. Gum disease can put women at greater risk for pre-term labor.

Could Do’s, Ages 20–40:

  • Your smile is a MAJOR asset as you pursue your career and social life. As you move through this important phase of your independent life, it’s SO important to be confident! Small changes can make a big difference—so if you’re feeling self-conscious about your smile, please talk to us about it.

Take Charge Of Your Youthful, Healthy Smile!

NOW is the time to take charge of your own dental care! Be proactive in caring for your healthy smile. Thoughtful care now can prevent major problems down the road.

Please watch for the future posts about each age group! And if you have any follow-up questions, let us know! Comment below, message us on our Facebook page, or give us a call.

As always, thanks for your trust and confidence in our practice.

Your Healthy Smile Timeline: Ages 1–20

September 25, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 6:33 pm

OVER THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS, we’re going to trace a timeline for your lifelong, healthy smile! And to help make it useful and actionable for you, we’re breaking the content into four age categories. This also gives us a chance to share some “age-specific” concerns and tips.

Even if YOU don’t fall into the age range of today’s blog post, you certainly know and/or care for someone who does. So pass this great oral health timeline along by sharing this post with your extended family members, neighbors, friends, and coworkers. They’ll thank you.

The first age group we want to address is 1–20 year olds, which includes both children and teens. To help you prioritize, we’ve divided the information into must-do’s, should-do’s and could-do’s.

Must Do’s, Ages 1–20:

  • Establish a dental home for children early, and stick to regular checkups. When children are comfortable with their dental team, it sets a pattern for a lifetime of great oral health.
  • Set up an at-home oral hygiene routine. Remember, everyone should brush for 2 minutes, twice a day.
  • ALL CHILD ATHLETES should wear a mouthguard during sports! Skaters, wrestlers, ballers, etc. That means you!

Should Do’s, Ages 1–20:

  • Orthodontic evaluations should happen at about age 7 in case there’s a need for early intervention treatment.
  • Dental sealants can provide a shield against tooth decay that will last throughout childhood.
  • Healthy-teeth eating habits start now! That means minimal sugar, soda, and snacking—and, lots of vegetables.

Could Do’s, Ages 1–20:

  • For teens, increasingly conscious of their appearance, teeth whitening can be a great boost.
  • Exciting characters, colors, and flavors on toothbrushes and toothpaste can make brushing and flossing more fun for kids.

Use These Ideas As A Launchpad…

The musts, shoulds, and coulds above are by no means a comprehensive list of every dental factor to consider between the ages of 1 and 20! But we hope it gives you some good reminders and a starting point for building your own oral health goals.

Remember to watch for the future posts about each age group! And if you have any follow-up questions, let us know! Comment below, message us on our Facebook page, or give us a call.

Thanks for your trust in our practice. We appreciate you!

Your Strong, Healthy Smile Needs Exercise

September 18, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 4:48 pm

NEW RESEARCH SUGGESTS that much of the dental “wear and tear” we see today rarely existed prehistorically, and overly-processed diets may be partially to blame. While not all experts agree, some studies conclude that our modern-day teeth are just not getting the workouts they need.

Some Wear Is Natural And Even Beneficial

Harder foods eaten in moderation can help strengthen our teeth and gums. In fact, if all we ate were soft foods, our enamel could actually deteriorate. Hard foods can smooth the surfaces of our teeth, making them flatter. This can help more evenly distribute chewing force and can help protect our teeth.

Yes it’s true… Our teeth need to work out. But there are proper and improper ways to strengthen our smiles. Let’s talk about a few dos and don’ts.


  • Eat raw vegetables and fruit. There’s grinding and healthy resistance when you eat these kinds of foods—which can be strengthening. But it’s also gentle and less likely to cause damage.
  • If you eat meat, eat tough meat once in a while—like a steak. According to the American Dental Association, the phosphorus in red meat also helps protect tooth enamel and bone. Each slice of sirloin provides a good, prolonged chew giving your teeth and gums some good exercise. Be sure to thoroughly chew each bite.
  • Eat nuts, but eat them carefully. Our enamel is hard but it can fracture. Chew with caution.


  • Try not to clench your jaw or grind your teeth. This can lead to microfractures.
  • Never use your teeth to open packages, bottles, or to bite your nails. Using your teeth as scissors or a knife can damage your smile and your dental work. Biting your nails is not only unsanitary and potentially damaging, but it can also cause teeth to shift.
  • Crunching on ice cubes is NOT a good idea. Let the ice cool your drink, not damage your smile.

A Fun, Vintage Video About Exercising Your Teeth

How Do You Strengthen Your Smile?

A balanced diet of hard and soft foods is one way to help strengthen your smile. Do you know of others? If so, please share them with us in the comments area below or on our Facebook page!

We appreciate having you as our valued patient. Thanks for the trust you place in us!

Thanks For Your Reviews And For Sharing Our Practice!

September 11, 2013

Filed under: Blog,Social — @ 3:53 pm

HOW DID YOU FIRST BECOME OUR PATIENT? Most of our patients find us through trusted referrals from friends, extended family members, neighbors, and coworkers. When it comes to something as important as health care, honest personal endorsements are the best guide when people are making these decisions.

Thanks So Much For Your Referrals

You know what’s really cool about a new patient who comes to our office based on a referral? We know that referral originated from one of YOU—a valued patient that we’re connected to and already serving. It’s the ultimate compliment for us and it makes US smile.

During the early days of the internet, people searched online for a dentist by keying in their city name and the word “dentist”. But times have changed. Today, people look to trusted, permission-based social networks like Facebook and others to ask for their family’s and friends’ recommendations. That’s one of the reasons why we love social media so much… It makes it easy for our patients to share. Then, social media makes it easy for those potential new patients to really get to know us—even before they walk through our door for the first time.

Share Our Practice “Maybe”…

Thanks For Your Reviews Too

Life is super busy. We understand, and we know we’re asking a lot. But when you DO have a minute it’s always greatly appreciated. Our review page is a great place to share your impressions. And, you can always go to our Facebook page to leave a comment, a recommendation, or to direct message us.

So, what brought YOU to our practice for the first time?

We’d love to hear! And ANYTIME we can do something to help make your visits even better, please let us know. Your feedback helps us continually improve and give the best service possible to our patients. Thanks!

Feed Your Smile The Vitamins And Minerals It Craves

September 4, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 5:58 pm

NO DOUBT YOU’VE HEARD that vitamins and minerals are good for your overall health. But did you know that many of those same vitamins and minerals are very important to the health of your smile? Read on!

Does Your Diet Include An Ample Supply Of These Important Vitamins & Minerals?


Calcium protects your teeth from decay and your gums from disease. It also helps keep your jaw (and other bones) strong. Calcium can be found in milk, yogurt, cheese, oysters, beans, etc.


Magnesium helps with the healthy formation of your jaw, teeth, and gum tissue. It can be found in leafy greens, nuts and seeds, fish, whole grains, bananas, and even dark chocolate! Yummm…


Iron helps prevent mouth sores and inflammation of the tongue. It can be found in red meats, bran cereals, spices, and some nuts.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps saliva flow (and thus washes away bacteria). It also helps maintain a healthy mucous membrane and mouth tissues. It can be found in beef liver, sweet potatoes, spinach, melon, etc.

Tips For Smile-Healthy Eating Habits

Although this video often references teaching children great habits, the information applies to ALL of us! Pass this blog post (and video) along to friends, extended family members, neighbors and coworkers.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 helps prevent mouth fissures and can be found in dairy products, lean steaks, pasta, bagels, mushrooms, spinach, almonds, etc.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps prevent inflammation and bleeding in the mouth. It also helps heal any mouth wounds you may have. It can be found in sweet potatoes, oranges, red peppers, etc.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. Without vitamin D, you may experience burning mouth syndrome. The best way to get vitamin D is to spend some time in the sun! You can also consume milk, egg yolks, and fish.

A Helpful Resource For Learning More

The U.S. Department Of Agriculture’s website is a helpful resource in determining whether or not you’re getting the nutrients your body needs. Check it out!

As always… Thanks for being our valued patient!

Overcoming A Sensitive Gag Reflex

August 28, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 4:59 pm

DO YOU SUFFER FROM A SENSITIVE GAG REFLEX? If so, receiving any kind of dental treatment may be frustrating for you. Whether the reasons for your gagging are physiological, psychological, or both… we can help. We want to be sure nothing gets in the way of caring for your healthy smile.

A Few Tips On Handling A Sensitive Gag Reflex

  • As is always the case—visit with us! We always want our valued patients to express any concerns or fears. A sensitive gag reflex is actually quite common, so don’t be embarrassed! We can work with you to better ensure your comfort in handling this concern.
  • BREATHE! Yes, part of it may be that simple. Focusing on your breathing can not only help physically, but it may also focus your mind away from dentistry. Try taking deep breaths through your nose. Sometimes a nasal decongestant helps make it easier.
  • Listening to music can help you relax and redirect your focus.
  • Some studies indicate that gagging may be worse in the morning, so consider scheduling an afternoon visit.
  • Sitting up straighter seems to help some people. Let’s experiment with your position in the chair to see if that helps.
  • One study shows that folding your left thumb into the palm of your hand, then making a fist and squeezing your left thumb helps some people with their gag reflex. Try it!

Some Interesting Information About Gag Reflex

Your Complete Comfort Is Our High Priority

Determining what causes a sensitive gag reflex can be difficult. Whatever the cause, it’s important to remember that we can help. Talk with us! If you’ve had this problem in the past and have found things that help, please share them with us! We’re always anxious to learn from the experiences of our patients. Write your answer in the comments below, or on our Facebook page!

Thank you for trusting us with your oral care! We appreciate you.

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