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Lake Oconee Dentistry Blog

Don’t Miss The Party!

August 27, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 3:12 pm

WE’VE BEEN SERVING THE LAKE AREA FOR 15 YEARS, and it’s the people of this community who make each day truly worthwhile for us!

And We Want To Say “Thank You”!

But, we want to do more than just tell you. We want to show you! That’s why we’re planning a HUGE PARTY in your honor!

  • Saturday, September 14th11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Parking area surrounding Lake Oconee Dentistry

Here’s What You Can Look Forward To:

  • LIVE MUSIC: The Ultimate Journey Tribute Band
  • FREE FOOD from The Varsity’s mobile kitchen
  • STROLLING MAGICIANS (one of whom was named Atlanta Magician of the Year!)
  • GREAT PRIZES…including a FIAT convertible!

We’ll Be Drawing The Fifth Fiat Finalist LIVE!

We’ll be drawing from the entries of people present THAT DAY…and then awarding the keys to one lucky winner! Don’t miss your opportunity to drive away a winner!

Ultimately, we want this to be a day for you to relax and enjoy yourself. We want you to feel appreciated.

There is absolutely NO CHARGE to attend, and we’ll be there RAIN or SHINE!

We hope you’ll join us and can’t wait to see you there!

Good Morning, Sunshine! How’s Your Breath?

August 21, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 6:12 pm

NO NEED TO BE EMBARRASSED! We all experience morning breath from time to time. Typically, our morning brushing routines get rid of it. But people wonder where morning breath comes from—and people wonder what to do if it continues throughout the day.

Morning Breath Is Primarily Caused By Dry Mouth

While general bad breath can have a variety of causes (diet, oral hygiene habits, even some systemic diseases), morning breath most often stems from dry mouth.

While you’re sleeping, saliva production slows. Your body does that to help you sleep—otherwise you’d be having to swallow all the time. Saliva is vital to your oral health because it rinses away food particles, makes your mouth less acidic, and helps keep mouth bacteria in check.

So when saliva stops doing its thing during sleep, the bacteria goes wild! This creates a massive amount of sulphur gas buildup that stinks! Gross, right? That’s another reason why it’s important to brush our teeth before bed—it helps at least start out our sleep period with minimal sugars and bacteria in our mouths.

More Interesting & Relevant Info About Bad Breath

Tips For Combatting Morning Breath

1. ALWAYS brush your teeth (and tongue) before going to sleep.
2. Drink some water before you go to bed, and right after you wake up.
3. Clear your sinuses. Breathing through the nose helps some people not dry out so much.

But What If Morning Breath Lasts Beyond The Morning?

If you have chronic bad breath, ask yourself if you’re up-to-date with your regular dental check-ups. Sometimes a good cleaning can help. But even more important, bad breath can actually be a symptom of more severe problems like gum disease or tooth decay, which is something we’ll definitely want to consider.

Questions? Just Ask!

We know that it can be an awkward conversation, but if you’re worried about bad breath, let us know. Our goal is always to help you in every way we can!

Thanks for being our valued patient. We appreciate you!

The Evolution Of Your Toothbrush

August 14, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 3:39 pm

WHERE WOULD WE BE without our toothbrushes?! Today personal dental hygiene is easy with convenient tools like toothbrushes and floss. But have you ever wondered what people did before modern toothbrushes?

Twigs & Branches

The earliest toothbrushes were actually “chewing sticks”. That may sound rudimentary, but they were surprisingly effective. In ancient Babylon people chewed on twigs until they became shredded and fibrous. That created a “brush” that they’d use to clean their teeth. Depending on the plant used, additional antiseptic properties or naturally occurring fluoride may have even been found in those twigs.

Many cultures still use Miswak chewing sticks (made from a twig of the Salvadora persica tree) for oral hygiene.

Chinese Boar Bristle Brushes

Around the 15th century the Chinese invented one of the earliest toothbrushes, made from boar bristles pasted onto handles of bamboo or bone. These brushes worked just like modern toothbrushes do, although they were a little more harsh on one’s teeth (and a little less sanitary).

European Sponges & Cloths

Most Medieval Europeans didn’t bother with oral hygiene. However, the meticulous few would clean their teeth using a sponge or cloth dipped into a solution made of oils and salts. It was probably better than nothing!

Toothbrushes Today

Modern materials like nylon bristles and plastic handles have made toothbrushes inexpensive and accessible to nearly everyone. And now, we see all kinds of toothbrushes, from smart ones that tell you where to brush, to singing ones that make oral hygiene fun for kids.

Does The Brand Of Your Toothbrush Matter?

Many patients ask what kind of toothbrush is best. Typically it’s best to use one with soft bristles, but the kind of toothbrush you use doesn’t matter as much as the fact that you use it for two minutes, twice a day.

So how do YOU feel about your toothbrush? If your own modern toothbrush wasn’t around, which of these ancient methods would you try?

Let us know in the comments section below. And remember, if you ever have any questions about your oral health, ask us!

Thanks for being our valued patient!

Munching On Apples And Carrots At Your 100th Birthday Party

August 7, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 3:25 pm

A COUPLE OF CENTURIES AGO it was very unusual for people to have their original teeth in their mouth on their 40th birthday! And as little as 50 years ago, half of the people you walked by over the age of 65 had already lost nearly all of their teeth. Today, that number has been drastically reduced.

We’re All Part Of An Amazing Trend

Despite all of the modern threats to our smiles that we often hear about (including rampant sugar use, popularized acidic beverages, etc.) overall oral health continues to improve. In most countries, at every age, we’re keeping more of our teeth than we were 20 years ago in 1994:

Modern Dentistry Is Focused On Preventive Care And Keeping Teeth

Back in the olden days when preventive care was rare, the result was a lot of toothaches. Often, the default solution for a toothache was to just pull the tooth. Today’s materials and treatment advances have made that default solution rare—especially when patients maintain regular checkups.

The gum health in a 60-year-old today is about the same as it was in a 40-year-old back in 1973. One of the contributing factors is likely the rise of regular flossing! Dental floss was patented in the late 19th century, but it has taken a long time for regular flossing to become mainstream.

What To Expect As Your Teeth Age

Our teeth change as we age. Some of these changes can make optimal oral health more difficult. You may experience:

  • Extreme Yellowing – As the white enamel layer wears down, the yellow dentin underneath becomes more visible.
  • Increased Gum Disease Risk – Our ability to naturally fight infections—like gingivitis—decreases.
  • Dry mouth – Often a side-effect of taking more medications.

Remember, we can help you with these challenges!

What NOT To Expect

  • Losing Your Teeth! Isn’t it great to know that together we may make dentures (like your grandma’s) a thing of the past?

Although oral health risks increase with age, we know how to combat them! And with good habits, your natural teeth can be around as long as you are. No denture adhesives, no living off soup everyday. So let’s put in the little bit of work now. Make sure that you brush and floss every day—and maintain cleanings and check-ups.

Now For A Fun, Retro Throwback…

This needs no explanation:

Thank you for the trust you place in us. We appreciate you.


We Use Social Media To Better Serve You

July 31, 2013

Filed under: Blog,Social — @ 3:05 pm

THERE ARE A LOT OF REASONS why businesses participate in social media. First and foremost, we’re using social media to better serve you—our valued patients and friends. But unlike many businesses, our social media efforts to serve you don’t start online—they start in our practice.

Whether Online Or In Our Office…

1.) We’re listening. We want to be part of the conversation. We want to make it easy for you to connect with us. Open, honest communication with our patients both online and in person builds trust—and, we’ll never take that trust for granted.

2.) We’re doing what we can to make your visits (and life) better. As your lifelong oral health partner, our goal is to provide information that’s relevant and useful in benefitting your comfort, health, and appearance.

3.) We’re connected to YOU—not your teeth. Although your smile is our focus, we care about you. As a part of our “family”, you’re so much more than a checkup or procedure.

BTW, Do You Use Instagram?

Wow. Instagram is exploding! Are you using it? We were amazed by the thousands of photos that an Instagram search for #Dentist produced! And, it was pretty funny seeing the photos people are posting!

Next time you come in, if you’re on Instagram, pull out your smartphone and let’s take a photo together. It’ll be fun!

Social Media Bridges The Gaps

Sometimes we only see you every six months. Social media allows us to “see” (and connect with) you regularly.

Social media is also another open door to our team. If you know anyone who would benefit from connecting with us, please share this post with them or send them to our Facebook page. Our very best new patients typically come from referrals. Thanks.

We’re grateful to have friends and patients like you.

The Connection Between Breakfast And Your Healthy Smile

July 24, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 5:32 pm

IT’S OFTEN SAID, and health studies agree, that breakfast may be the most important meal of the day. And by the way, breakfast affects our oral health too!

Popular Breakfast Choices Can Damage Smiles

Given our on-the-go lifestyles, breakfast can become an imbalanced, over-sugary meal! We don’t typically eat candy for breakfast—yet, we choose popular cereals and pastries that are full of sugar. These unhealthy breakfast choices can be damaging to our teeth and gums with multiplying effects if we’re not brushing and flossing after breakfast.

A Healthy, Balanced Breakfast Can Protect Your Smile

Your mouth, like your body, needs nutritious food to stay healthy. A balanced breakfast rich in fruits, vegetables, fiber, and healthy proteins can help prevent bad breath, tooth decay, early tooth loss, and gum disease.

Tips For A Smile-Friendly Breakfast

  • Eat whole grains (oatmeal, whole wheat bread) instead of refined grains.
  • Eat firm, ripe fruits and healthier vegetables.
  • Drink water or unsweetened tea to strengthen tooth enamel and help prevent tooth decay.
  • Use moderation with fruit juices and smoothies—they’re typically high in sugar and can be quite acidic.
  • Consider dinner for breakfast! Chicken, fish, beans, cheese, etc.
  • Eat high fiber cereals with less preservatives and added sugar.

Quick, Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast Kickstarts Your Day & Your Healthy Smile

Start eating breakfasts that protect your smile AND make you feel good (studies have found that breakfast affects your energy and focus). If you have ideas or recipes for healthy, balanced breakfasts, share them with us below or on Facebook!

Thank you for trusting us with your oral health! We appreciate you.

Amaze Your Friends With Four Amusing Mouth Facts!

July 17, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 5:16 pm

DID YOU KNOW THAT THE WORD “DENTIST” comes from “dent-” which is French for “tooth”? Funny thing is, we deal with a lot more than just teeth! That’s because the health of your teeth is so tightly connected to the health of your whole mouth (and even connected to the health of your whole body).

So, here are four fun facts about your mouth:

1. That Little Piece of Webbing

You know that little piece of webbing that connects the base of your mouth with the underside of your tongue? It’s called a frenulum. And, there’s another major one in your mouth. Can you think of where it is? That’s right… It connects your upper gums to your top lip.

2. The Oral Mucosa

There is a special kind of tissue that lines your entire mouth called the oral mucosa. In some places (like on the roof of your mouth) it’s mixed with keratin, which is a strong material also found in our fingernails.

3. Your Temporomandibular Joints

Your upper and lower jaw are connected by temporomandibular joints. Most of the joints in your body (for example, your elbow) only move in one direction. Your jaw, however, moves up and down, side to side, AND front to back! This helps our molars grind our food. Move your own jaw in a circle right now. Your pet cat (a carnivore) can’t do that nearly as well as a human!

4. Saliva Factories

We have three major pairs of salivary glands, and other small ones located throughout our mouths. Did you know that saliva does more than help us eat and clean our mouths? It also contains important minerals that reinforce our teeth.

Ten More Fun Facts About Teeth

Together, Let’s Keep Your Teeth AND Mouth Healthy

As your lifelong oral healthcare provider, we check more than just teeth. We’re very interested in your gum health, the alignment and balance of your jaw, and early signs of problems like oral cancer in the soft tissues of your mouth and throat.

Thank you for the trust you place in us. We deeply appreciate it.

Remember, if you ever have any questions about your teeth or mouth we’re here to help—so please ask us! We look forward to seeing you the next time you visit.

Improve Your Oral Health By Improving Your Posture

July 10, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 8:19 pm

INTUITIVELY, YOU PROBABLY KNOW that better posture is good for your back, neck, etc. But what you may NOT know is that better posture is good for your oral health too! It’s true. Proper posture promotes a healthy smile and can help prevent potential problems with your jaw and teeth.

Poor Posture Can Place Harmful Pressure On Your Jaw

Simply stated, when we slouch our lower jaw is pushed farther forward and our skull sits farther back on our spinal column, which can cause our bite to be misaligned. When our teeth are improperly aligned, our jaw compensates to bring them together. Over time, this movement can stress our jaw joints and the associated muscles—and in some cases cause painful inflammation and/or damage to our teeth.

Good Posture’s Effects Are Far Reaching

Your teeth are an important part of an interconnected skeletal system. When misaligned, some studies show that the effects can even be as far reaching as the muscles in your pelvis and feet! Crazy, huh? Practicing good posture can not only help you maintain a healthy smile, but it can also help your whole body health.

Are You Practicing Good Posture?

Take a look at this short video to learn more about good posture:

Tips For Better Posture

  • Lift your chest, pull your shoulder blades back and down
  • Keep your stomach muscles tight
  • If standing, your ears should line up with your shoulders, your hips with your knees, and your knees with your ankles
  • If sitting, your hips should line up with your ears

If you have any questions about posture or its relationship to your oral health, please contact us. We’re here to help you stand up straight and smile with confidence!

Thank you for the trust you place in our practice.

4 Ways Laughter And A Confident Smile Are Life Changing

July 3, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 4:32 pm

BECAUSE IT USUALLY HAPPENS SPONTANEOUSLY, we don’t often think about smiling or laughing. However, they both really do make us feel better—and, studies continue to reveal more of their many benefits.

1. Smiling Evokes Trust

A recent study published in the Journal of Economic Psychology suggests that people may be as much as 10% more willing to trust someone who smiles.

2. Smiling Could Increase Your Net Worth

Some economists suggest that smiles may have real, monetary value! Another study found that smiling waitresses earn more tips (makes sense, right?).

3. Smiling Lifts Your Spirit And Those Around You

Life is full of ups and downs. Smiling can reduce distressing emotions and be an invaluable tool in moving forward with our heads held high. And equally important, grins and chuckles can calm and comfort those around us. Here’s an example of how someone else’s smile (laugh) can lift YOUR day… We dare you to watch this video without smiling:

4. Smiling May Help You Look Younger!

That elusive fountain of youth may not be found in surgeries or potions—rather, a study suggests that the path to looking younger may be found through our smiles.

Let’s Get You Smiling And Laughing More (or again)!

As your lifelong health partner, we’re concerned about your total health. We know that some people don’t reap the benefits of smiling and laughing because they’re embarrassed or self-conscious about their teeth. Are you one of those people? We’d like to help. We love visiting with our patients about their smiles. We want you to smile confidently!

Thanks for sharing our practice (and our blog) with your friends, neighbors, and coworkers. We appreciate your kind referrals!

Where Are You When It Comes To Dental Visit Anxiety?

June 26, 2013

Filed under: Blog — @ 4:09 pm

DID YOU KNOW THAT THE MAJORITY OF US experience SOME level of dental anxiety? As much as 80%, in fact. Despite our best efforts we know that there’s something that feels inherently vulnerable about lying back in a chair while we examine your mouth. We’ve been patients too.

Communication Can Make You More Comfortable

We want you to feel comfortable and confident during your visits with us. We believe that one key is open communication between our team and you—our valued patient! Whether you’re extremely nervous during dental appointments, or just slightly uncomfortable, communication helps. However, it’s hard to know exactly how, or what, to communicate sometimes.

If you’d really like to explore the reasons you feel nervous about dental visits, here’s a handy questionnaire developed by J.H. Clarke and S. Rustvold at the Oregon Health Sciences University School of Dentistry. If you’d like, look over the first four questions and let us know where you fall on the scale. It’s a simple way to tell us how you’re feeling.

Is Your First Appointment Coming Up?

Check out the video below outlining an routine check-up. It could help get you in the right mindset:

Simple Understanding Can Make A Huge Difference

Once we understand a little bit about your triggers and your reaction to dental-related situations, we can do a lot to make you feel comfortable. Some techniques we use include:

  • Taking adequate time so you don’t feel rushed or harried.
  • Carefully explaining everything before we do it.
  • Establishing signals so that you can let us know if you need a break.

Would You Like More Techniques For Relieving Stress?

This video has some great pointers:

Do you know someone else who suffers from severe dental anxiety? Is it compromising their health? Have them give us a call. We can help.

Thanks for your trust in our practice!

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